On December 7, 2022 RAPIDE MULTIPLIER event was held as part of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities Centre for Education and Learning annual meeting themed in line with the RAPIDE project ‘Developing a Culture of Learning Analytics’ in December 2022 with amongst the keynotes prof. H. Drachsler from RAPIDE partner Goethe University on Designing highly-informative competency-driven feedback with learning analytics.
This event was led by Gillian Saunders-Smits, Vivian van der Werf and Marcus Specht.
The event was attended by 18 participants, from 5 higher education institutes in the Netherlands ( (7 from Delft University of Technology, 4 from Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 4 from Leiden University, 1 from ROC van Amsterdam and 1 from Open Universiteit, Heerlen) and 1 industry representative (Feedback Fruits).
The Multiplier events and the RAPIDE-project as a whole, were very well received by the participants. Much interest was expressed in the RAPIDE MOOC.
Headline image: Artist’s Impression of RAPIDE Multiplier event at LDE-CEL annual meeting (By Mark van Huystee)